"We enjoyed this day with Heng. It was great. Thank you very much. !"
Daniel - France
"Thank you very much for everything! Your half day tour was very well arranged and full of interesting places and your knowledge of English is just big exception in Cambodia! Highly recommend to everyone!"
Katerina - Czech Republic
"Nach einer Überdosis Tempel in Angkor habe ich zusammen mit Heng eine individuelle Tuktuk-Tour zusammengestellt, dir wir dann scherzhaft als "no temples tour" betitelten. Es war wirklich ein einmaliges Erlebnis fernab der üblichen Touristenströme: Weil ich mich sehr für das Leben der "echten" Kambodschaner interessiere, besichtigten wir eine Krokodilsfarm, eine Lotusfarm, eine Fabrik für Fischpaste, Reiswein (inkl. Verkostung) und vieles mehr. Auch für den berühmten Bamboo Train war Zeit. Wer eine gut organisierte, dennoch flexible Tour "off the beaten tracks" sucht, ist bei Heng genau richtig. Er ist ein grundehrlicher und witziger Typ, und sein Englisch ist einwandfrei. Er kennt Land und Leute und konnte alle meine dummen Fragen beantworten. Wärmstens zu empfehlen!"
Andreas - Germany
"We had a wonderful time with Mr. Heng on the South & North Battambang tour. He was very friendly and approachable, and the tour was well organized to make the best of our day. "
Andrew - Australia
"We arranged for 2 days Battambang discovery tour. Mr. Heng did an amazing job pulling everything together and took a great care of us. He showed as a lot interesting paces. We would recommend him to anyone without any hesitation."
Sophia & Paul - UK
"It was a marvellous experience. I enjoyed every moment of it. Mr. Heng really knew the places, and gave very useful insights on local matters. I am still overwhelmed by the beauty of the area! Highly recommended!"
Emma - Canada
"We had a two day tour with Heng of Batttmbang. He is an extremely nice and helpful driver. He picked us up on time both days and drove us around Bttsmbsng and the surrounding villsged. He explained us a lot about the local way of living and took us to very nice restaurants for lunch. We highly recommend Mr. Heng, Thank you."
Sabina & Aksel - Denmark